Lectical Assessment in Practice

Lectical Assessment in Practice is an accreditation course for coaches and consultants who wish to work with the Lectical Leadership Decision-Making Assessment (LDMA) and the Lectical Reflective Judgment Assessment (LRJA).

In LAP-1...

In LAP-1, you'll learn how to help others build micro-VCoLing skills so they can benefit from learning optimally from everyday experience.

You will also learn how to:

  • learn optimally,
  • reframe learning as practice in the real world,
  • help others build skills for learning optimally from everyday experience,
  • help others identify their own learning goals,
  • use Lectical Assessment reports to create customized development plans,
  • customize assessment report content with learning tools that help test-takers build the skills they need most,
  • work with Lectica's Skill Maps,
  • interpret and work with Lectical Assessment scores,
  • embed VCoLs, Skill Maps, Micro-VCoL Makers, and Lectical Assessments in group learning contexts, and
  • communicate with decision-makers about the benefits of Lectical Assessment and Lectica's approach to workplace learning & development, and
  • be introduced to Lectica's recruitment and organizational development tools.

The Assessments

In Lap-1 you will learn support development with two Lectical Assessments and their reports:


For many years, the LDMA (Lectical Leadership Decision-making Assessment) has been Lectica's flagship assessment. It is focused on a broad set of skills for leading in VUCA conditions (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity). The specific skills targeted in the LDMA fall into four broad categories—collaborative capacity, perspective coordination, contextual thinking, and decision-making process.


The LRJA (Lectical Reflective Judgment Assessment) is focused on a broad set of skills that we all need for managing CAOS™ (Competing ideas, Accelerating change, information Overload, and Social division). The specific skills targeted in the LRJA fall into four broad categories—working with perspectives, conflict resolution, evaluating evidence, and thinking and deciding. (CAOS skills overlap considerably with VUCA skills.)

LAP-1 prerequisites

LAP-1 is open only to experienced consultants, coaches, or educators. We review applications as they are received and will let you know if you have been accepted as soon as a decision has been made.

LAP-1 dates & fees

The next LAP-1 sessions begin in September 2024. Meetings will occur biweekly from 5:00–7:00 PM on Mondays or 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Wednesdays. LAP-1 consists of 9 modules with two-hour live sessions spaced two weeks apart. All modules include weekly written and practice-based pre-work, including written weekly reflections that are shared with other participants.

The opening sessions will be on Monday, September 23rd, 2024, from 5-7 PM or Wednesday, September 11th, 2024, from 11 AM to 1 PM. Your first pre-work will be assigned two weeks before the first session.  (All dates are New York time.)

Course fee: $2,999, with a $2,799 early-bird rate until Monday, August 25th (Monday session) or Wednesday, July 31st, 2024 (Wednesday session).

Registration for the Monday session closes on September 7th, 2024. For the Wednesday session, it closes on August 25th.

Additional fees

To be accredited, participants will need to personally complete an Essentials+ LDMA Assessment and a debrief by a Lectica Master Consultant. If you have not yet taken an Essentials+ LDMA Assessment, there will be an additional fee of $625 to cover this requirement. If you have completed an Essentials+ LDMA assessment but not a debrief, a fee of $325 will cover the debrief. If you have already completed both, you're all set.

Refund and transfer policies

Prior to the registration deadline, we will refund 85% of your payment on request.

After the registration deadline, no refunds are available, but you will be given two years to complete your course by transferring to a later offering. When you transfer, you will be required to pay a processing fee equal to 15% of the course fee being charged at that time (excluding "additional fees" above).


LAP-1 is a practice-based course. You will be learning content by applying it in a variety of contexts and combinations, both prior to meetings and during them. Participants work together, comparing pre-work experiences and using them to construct increasingly robust skills for working with course material. This means that pre-work readings and practices are an essential component of learning. Please do not enroll for LAP-1 unless you will be able to complete at least 3 hours of pre-work per week (6 hours per module), spread over several days. Unprepared participants reduce the quality of the learning experience for everyone.

To certify as an Associate Lectical Coach or Educator...

  1. Participants must take their own LDMA and receive a debrief from one of our Master Consultants (not included in course fees, as explained above);
  2. Participants are also required to complete all pre-work and reflection activities satisfactorily and in a timely fashion and to participate fully in at least 8 out of 9 modules.
  3. Participants must demonstrate that they have met LAP-1 learning goals. LAP-1 facilitators work as a team to evaluate participants’ preparedness, participation, and apparent growth in understanding following each session. Each dimension is evaluated on a scale from 1 to 100. To be certified, participants must achieve an overall average score of 80% or higher across dimensions.
  4. Participants who wish to certify but are unable to participate fully for any reason or are unable to meet other requirements will be asked to redo all or part of the course at another time. This may involve being asked to leave the course and return for a future session.

Only Certified Lectical Coaches, Consultants, and Educators are permitted to work with adult Lectical Assessments.

Apply for LAP-1

You may apply for a spot in LAP-1 by filling in the form below.

If you join our mailing list we'll let you know about future LAP-1 courses as that information becomes available.

Selected funders

IES (US Department of Education)

The Spencer Foundation


Dr. Sharon Solloway

The Simpson Foundation

The Leopold Foundation

Donor list

Selected clients

Glastonbury School District, CT

The Ross School

Rainbow Community School

The Study School

Long Trail School

The US Naval Academy

The City of Edmonton, Alberta

The US Federal Government

Advisory Board

Antonio Battro, MD, Ph.D., One Laptop Per Child

Marc Schwartz, Ph.D. and former high school teacher, University of Texas at Arlington

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Ed.D., University of Southern California

Willis Overton, Ph.D., Temple University, Emeritus