We're Lectica...

We exist to support a learning revolution.

At Lectica, we've developed a sophisticated new technology that's built around a powerful evidence-based learning model. This technology allows us to accurately diagnose people's learning needs, then provide personalized learning recommendations that support robust learning—a kind of learning that is not only efficient and immediately useful but also helps build the skills and dispositions required for a lifetime of learning and development.

Lectica, Inc. is a 501(c)(3)nonprofit corporation registered in the state of Massachusetts. Lectica owns and operates the Developmental Testing Service, LLC, which donates all of its profits to Lectica's nonprofit mission.


Origins & accomplishments timeline


  • Baldwin discovered that the way we think develops.
  • Piaget provided a theoretical framework, model, and mechanisms.
  • The neo-Piagetians tested and critiquesd Piaget’s ideas.
  • Several tireless research teams (Kohlberg, Selman, Kitchener & King, Kegan, Armon, Case, etc.) conducted longitudinal studies of development in specific domains.
  • Fischer pulled it all together in a model of bio-psycho-social development called skill theory and pioneered new methods for studying developmental dynamics.
  • Commons developed the first content-independent developmental assessment system—the Hierarchical Complexity Scoring System.



2002–2006 National Leadership Study

  • LDMA
  • LLRA
  • LSUA
  • LRJA
  • VUCA
  • Leader development
  • Role complexity analysis
  • Role descriptions (skill descriptions)
  • Perspective taking, seeking, & coordination
  • Physics assessments
  • Scoring rubrics



  • Lectica, Inc. (Iterate everything)
  • CCDD Literacy Study (Reflective Judgment scores predict literacy. Clarity predicts Lectical growth.)
  • Glastonbury Schools (Grade, GPA, and Second Language learning predict Lectical Growth.)
  • Glastonbury Schools perform as well as a conventional private school.
  • VCoL+7 skills
  • Taking Lectical Assessments supports development (Later reported by Thornton).
  • Formative (high VCoL) adult educational programs promote development more effectively than conventional educational programs (Later reported by Thornton).


  • VCoL-rich curricula support optimal mental development in childhood an adolescence (Are your children learning robustly?)
  • Readymade VCoLs (VCoL collection used in assessment reports and articles and distributed through our website & Dawson's blog)
  • CLAS demo launch
  • Micro-skills


  • A skill is anything that develops through practice
  • A micro-skill is any skill that can be practiced in real-time
  • VUCA and CAOS skill maps (see Articles page)
  • Skill maps (see Articles page)
  • VCoLing skills (see Articles page)
  • Micro-VCoL Maker


  • CLAS diagnostics
  • AI, open-book, and ESL detection
  • Developmental wellness indicators
  • Fully prescriptive CLAS scoring system


Selected funders

IES (US Department of Education)

The Spencer Foundation


Dr. Sharon Solloway

The Simpson Foundation

The Leopold Foundation

Donor list

Selected clients

Glastonbury School District, CT

The Ross School

Rainbow Community School

The Study School

Long Trail School

The US Naval Academy

The City of Edmonton, Alberta

The US Federal Government

Advisory Board

Antonio Battro, MD, Ph.D., One Laptop Per Child

Marc Schwartz, Ph.D. and former high school teacher, University of Texas at Arlington

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Ed.D., University of Southern California

Willis Overton, Ph.D., Temple University, Emeritus