Lectical Reflective Judgment Assessment

The LRJA is focused on a broad set of skills that are required for working CAOS™ (Competing ideas, Accelerating change, information Overload, and Social differences). The mega skills targeted in the LRJA fall into seven broad categories—self-mastery, working with perspectives, conflict resolution, gathering & evaluating information, contextual thinking, experimentation, and decision-making.

LRJA reports, like all Lectical Assessment reports, include rich feedback and customized learning suggestions—none of which involve memorizing. There are forms of the LRJA for learners of all ages (from age 10).

Grades 5–12

Reflective judgment skills begin developing in infancy during early interactions with our physical and social worlds. They are best developed through reflective practices that are integrated into curricula and everyday life.

We are working hard to make the LRJA available, FREE of charge, to individual teachers and their students. Stay tuned!

College & university

Performance on the LRJA is a good predictor of success in college, and the human-vetted version is suitable for use in admissions decisions.

The electronically scored version of the LRJA is suited for formative classroom use and is often used in program evaluations.


Performance on mental ability assessments is the strongest predictor of workplace performance. However, although most mental ability assessments can provide a mental ability score, they have little to offer when it comes to individual development.

The LRJA not only provides validated mental ability scores, its report is designed to help employees build essential workplace skills by becoming more effective every-moment learners.

LRJA Report tour

To view an interactive sample LRJA report (for an adult), log in to this site as username: dorothytoto, password: yellowbrickroad.

LRJA skills breakdown

There are now seven LRJA mega skills (and there may be more in the future), but individual LRJA dilemmas can generally target only three or four of them at a time. We change the targeted skills by crafting different kinds of dilemmas and prompts. For example, a dilemma that targets conflict resolution will involve a conflict, and a prompt that targets framing skills will encourage framing.

Mega-skill Grades 5-12 Adults Targeted skills
Self-mastery X X Skills for learning, thinking, regulating emotions & behavior, clarifying and applying values, and recognizing & managing biases
Working with perspectives X X Skills for identifying perspectives, perspective-taking and seeking, considering perspectives, and working with perspectives
Gathering & evaluating information X X Skills for gathering information, evaluating sources, evaluating evidence, and recognizing bias
Conflict resolution X X Skills for framing conflicts, negotiation, persuasion, and integrating perspectives
Experimentation X   Skills for creating evidence through experimentation and other forms of research
Contextual thinking X X Skills for understanding and working with situations, constraints & affordances, and the broader context
Decision-making X X Skills for framing decisions, setting goals, identifying solutions, deciding, and implementing decisions
Selected funders

IES (US Department of Education)

The Spencer Foundation


Dr. Sharon Solloway

The Simpson Foundation

The Leopold Foundation

Donor list

Selected clients

Glastonbury School District, CT

The Ross School

Rainbow Community School

The Study School

Long Trail School

The US Naval Academy

The City of Edmonton, Alberta

The US Federal Government

Advisory Board

Antonio Battro, MD, Ph.D., One Laptop Per Child

Marc Schwartz, Ph.D. and former high school teacher, University of Texas at Arlington

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Ed.D., University of Southern California

Willis Overton, Ph.D., Temple University, Emeritus